Getting to see my sister this past week definitely lifted my spirits and I’m still shocked from the surprise visit!
Since this little one was born, I have loved having the privilege of being a big sister. Although many times may have not been easy, my role as big sister has been simple: love and protect.
Through the years, we have both been through changes that have altered our lives for the better. No matter where I am and no matter the distance, the bond between us only grows stronger as we grow individually. Even though I know that she is more than capable of living on her own, I will never stop loving and protecting my little sister. I am so proud of what she has become and has made for herself.
There has been nothing more fulfilling than embracing the role of big sister. If you have been honored with the gift of being an older sibling, never take that role for granted. The minute they come into your life you have been dealt the card of playing a role model and somebody’s hero.
The minute they come into your life, you instantly become somebody’s role model… A role you may never ask for, but one that is a privileged honor…
For you my friend, have become somebody’s hero ☺
A little Monday Motivation!
I know when things get overwhelming, we all tend to worry about things that are completely out of our control. I always try to ask myself, “Is my worrying going to affect the outcome?”
If the answer is no, then I stop and try to remember this quote.
Happy Monday friends!!
Last week, I wrote a blog post about the relationships I’ve had and past and present.
This week, the news and social media have been inundated with quite a bit of tragedy and loss. From great celebrities like Robin Williams, to the people who we are directly involved with.
Regardless of how we lost them, there is different level of pain and sorrow that we all incur. Whether the loss causes emotional heartache or causes one to feel less safe in the world, there is a rift in our lives that can only heal with time and support.
It is with that that I want to strongly encourage my friends and family to reach out to those you love and let them know there is always somebody there for them.
Hug them, tell them you love them.
Remove the anger, fear, resentment, insecurities.
I have always believed that there is no reason anybody should feel alone in this world.
Reach out to those who you think are weird. Reach out to the ones who seem to be completely out of this world… we’re all different, but in the end, we all are human and all fight our own battles. You never know what a simple smile or a friendly wave can do to people. It’s that simple.
Life is precious. Life is much shorter than you think. All cliché sayings, I know, but… These statements come from a very humbling truth. You’re not alone in this world, so reach out and give that gift of companionship to somebody you love as well as to somebody who struggles to find it.
It’s the greatest gift one can give to another.
If you’re like me, you sometimes stumble across ideas that you know would be absolute game changers in you life, BUT you just don’t know where to begin. This thought alone can paralyze us and prevent ourselves from being all that we could be.
This week’s Monday Motivation quote always helps me get past these moments and just reminds me that every person that I look up to now wasn’t always as skilled or as experienced as they are now. When they started, they didn’t have everything they have now. The important thing to learn?
They started.
Happy Monday my friends!!
We have been wonderfully privileged with technology that connects us to people half way around the world in ways we never had before. Cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, Google… All avenues to keep people in touch. We are now able to see what somebody is doing in Europe while we are eating dinner in Texas.
We all sometimes take these connections for granted or abuse the power that comes with such privileges.
This blog post came to me at an incredibly random time (I sometimes think I may have undiagnosed ADD…), but I had to stop and write it down before it ran away from me.
I wanted to take the time to reflect on my life and the relationships I have cultivated over my few years that I’ve been on this earth. I can definitely say that I have been fortunate enough to be able to write about it and have been able to come across a multitude of incredible and unique individuals that have made a difference in my life one way or another.
Although there are many who I haven’t spoken to in a long time, I had a compelling feeling within me to reach out to each and every one of those people that have walked with me in the past, who continue to walk with me in the present, and those who I will walk with in the future.
As simple as the following words may be, they come from the very depths of my imperfect heart and soul and are spoken with absolute truth and meaning:
Thanks to the ever growing popularity of social media, I have been able to connect with those who I haven’t seen or spoken to in many, many years. I absolutely LOVE getting to see where life takes everybody!
As I go through life creating more and more relationships, I like to remember those I’ve already had. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. Regardless of whether or not they’ve lasted, each and every single one of them have shaped me into the person I am today.
Same goes for you. Take some time to reflect on the relationships you’ve had and currently have. You’d be amazed at how uplifting and emotionally opening it can be for you :)